Darkness Within

brush stroke

Unable to find her way through the darkness that haunted her. She felt as if the world had ended, and everything she loved had turned to ash. In the end she choose to let the darkness win; and so she let go.

 Failing was easy, and as the darkness consumed her she began to fade till nothing remained. She gave in, and forgot what it felt like to truly live.

 But something inside whispered " Wake Up".  Slowly as if awakening from a dream she began to hear the whispers….

 Reminding her that she was light all along; for we were born of magic and starlight. We are light itself and need only to look within to find the light that will banish the darkness. The fall is only an illusion created by the darkness. A trick to keep us trapped mere inches from the surface.

 It only takes one spark of light to banish the dark and that spark is within you just waiting for you to remember who you are.

 Darling, you were born to be the light. Though you may wander now amongst the living forever changed by the darkness within you are also the light that keeps it at bay.