Motivation ebbs and flows like water but determination is unwavering. Solid like stone it lays the foundation for all that is to come.
This week has been fraught with challenges, obstacles, and unexpected changes. I’d be lying to say it hasn’t taken a toll. I want so much to change, to bring these tiny fragments of dreams into reality, and with every setback brings fear. Fear of not being enough, fear of failure, and fear of letting everyone down.
It only been a week and yet I feel like I’m failing and as each obstacle lands in my path, I can feel my motivation wavering like the leaves in fall. Somedays I fall and crumble allowing myself to wallow in yet another defeat.
They say we are hardest on ourselves and I can’t help feeling like it’s true. Yesterday I was reminded by two people that I hold dear to me that no matter how many times we fall if we get up then that all that matters. It’s okay to be a mess, it okay to be sad when yet another shoot falls through, it’s okay to miss a deadline or two we are only human after all. Take a breathe and pivot.
Allow yourself to feel, cry, and scream in frustration but then take a breathe and start again.
So here we go...Take two, after all, it’s the determination that will the game in the long one. So even though my motivation is shaken my determination has not wavered. I am committed to seeing this through all 366 days