Let's start over. By now I am sure you know that this year I turned 29, and made the decision to say: to say yes to all those little dreams I've been putting off, to say yes to embrace the discomfort and channeling my beliefs about what I am capable of.
But along the way, I got sidetracked, and what started out as a personal project centered around self-growth and self-discovery turned into me trying to create interesting content. Week after week I fell victim to the fear of not doing enough, of not having anything Instagram-worthy to share with you. I apologized and did my best to place a positive spin on it. But that obsession with trying to be Instagram-worthy cost me.
It cost me in small little ways. It stole my motivation to keep trying, and hinder my progress and stole my joy over finally putting myself and my art first. I was so worried you wouldn't find what I was doing worthy of your attention because the truth is the bulk of what I've been up to isn't Instagram-worthy. It's me in front of my computer wearing sweats, and an oversized tank top with bed head while I craft emails, or edit about a year worth of content that never saw the light of day due to not having a functioning computer and trying to coordinate with models. It's setting up for shoots, only to have to tare it all down because someone flaked.
It's not pretty, but it's real. Sure there are things on my list that are pretty and are Instagram-worthy like taking a hot air balloon ride or flying to Paris. But I didn't start his project to become Instagram-worthy. I started this project for myself. To challenge me, and to find out how many nos should have been yes all along. To discover not only who I am but what truly makes me happy.
So let's start over.
My name is Yanninia Marie, and Welcome to my year of yes. Today is day 49 of my year & a day journey. So far my crowning accomplishments are dying my hair, filming my first miniature film, applying for my passport, and taking a risk in saying yes.
I invite you to follow along, though I can not promise you that each weekly vlog will be filled with Instagram-worthy adventures, epic shots, or life-shattering changes I can promise that I am saying yes to showing up every day to chase this dream. I am saying yes to letting you see what really going on behind the scenes, bedhead, oversized tanks, and all.
Thanks for sticking with me.
Ways to Support:
Here are a few ways you can not only support my art & business as well this journey of self-discovery.

Inquire about purchasing a print
or alternatively check out some of my personal nature-inspired work at:https://nature.yanniniamarie.com/


Engage with me!
Simply liking, sharing, or commenting on my content really goes a long way to support my creative endeavors and as an added bonus it makes me smile.